Planned mating
Kennel Annomis (CZ
mother- Bazilea Annomis
shows: EX. exams: ZV, PZ
(father: Alvar Aalto Ambergma- EX. / PZ, ZVP, LZ )
mother: Bella Donna z Hornychovic - EX.CAC / ZV, PZ )
Birth :
Kontakt : Simona Kollerová
Kennel z Bejlkova statku 
mother- Gina Šedé Tornádo
shows: VD exams: ZV, PZ, LZ, VZ
(father: Falco od Ptáčkových rybníka - EX./ SVS, JSS, VP, LSS, VSS, MJK, MRK
mother: Dorothea Šedé Tornádo - EX./ ZV, PZ, VP, BZ, TAN, AP, VFP, MJL
Birth :
Kontakt : Barbora Liscová Bejlková
Kennel Annomis ( CZ )
mother - Bella Donna z Hornychovic
Shows : V, CAC Exams : ZV, PZ
(father: Pepe Elika Bohemia - CH,CAC,V / ZV, PZ, VP, LZ, VZ, MRJ, MRK, MKP, Šampion práce CZ
mother: Aurella z Hornychovic - V / ZV, PZ, ZVP, LZ, MJH, VZ )
Mating : 7.1.2024 & 9.1.2024
Date of birth : 8.3.2024
Number: 10 (5 female / 5 male)
Contact : Simona Kollerová
Kennel Od Camfiho (CZ)
mother - Felicita Od Márfyho
Shows : V Exams : PZ
(father: Pepe Elika Bohemia - CH,CAC,V / ZV, PZ, VP, LZ, VZ, MRJ, MRK, MKP, Šampion práce CZ
mother : Cora Od Márfyho - V, CAJC / PZ )
Mating : 30.1.2024
Date Of Birth : 2.4.2024
Contact : Ondřej Camfrla
Kennel Herperis Rava(CZ)
mother - Freya Od Márfyho
Shows : V, CAC Exams : ZV, PZ
(father: Pepe Elika Bohemia - CH,CAC,V / ZV, PZ, VP, LZ, VZ, MRJ, MRK, MKP, Šampion práce CZ
mother : Cora Od Márfyho - V, CAJC / PZ )
Mating : 23.2.2024
Date Of Birth : 26.4.2024
Contact: Kateřina Stonišová